Information Sharing for Enterprise Architects — Patrick Elder & Jessica Dembe

16 Nov, 2017

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When it comes to contract delivery for the Federal government, the biggest test that public and private sector workers face is how to do more with less. Limitations on funding, staff and access to subject matter experts rarely reduce the scope of program. Instead, teams are asked to become more agile and efficient. In seeking that the efficiency, the Enterprise Architecture Information Repository (EAIR) team at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has embraced Neo4j. Early in 2016, the EAIR team recognized that the analysis of the relationships between entities in the DHS IT ecosystem was what enterprise architecture was all about. Through a series of prototypes, the team was able to introduce the concept of a graph database to DHS's enterprise architecture community. Using Neo4j, the EAIR was able to allow users visualize the network of IT assets in the organization like never before. Additionally, the ability to analyze the proximity of entities such as systems and the products they use across the organization streamlined impact analysis and identified opportunities to leverage enterprise licenses. Moreover, these graphs have helped EAIR stakeholders, including data and enterprise architects to glean potential shared services from existing data. The use of Neo4j, has been a key contributor in attaining the vision of creating an like feel to common IT at DHS, driving cost avoidance and risk reduction among enterprise architects. During our 45-minute talk, we will discuss this emerging use case on how the developers for EAIR use Neo4j to graphically display how IT assets are interconnected throughout DHS. We want to share with the Neo4j community how this innovation will help to reduce risk at DHS as well as to better provide facilitate information sharing for enterprise architects.

Speakers: Patrick Elder and Jessica Dembe
Location: GraphConnect NYC 2017

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