International Salmon Data Laboratory (Neo4j Online Meetup #49)

07 Feb, 2019

The International Year of the Salmon (IYS, ) involves a dozen countries with one overarching goal: salmon are resilient to climate change. Survive the surprise. Salmon uniquely integrate terrestrial and marine effects from global warming. They are the canary in the coal mine. Help salmon help us. This requires (a) radically better information flow and knowledge management—new best practices; and (b) data mobilization, so we actually know what we should know from the data and metadata we collected—graphite to silicon.

Salmon biologists need new tools for data assembly, analysis, and visualization; tools that are powerful but safe, effective but easy-to-use, and rewarding. Hey, how hard can that be? Hard enough to need help from new friends. We are launching the International Salmon Data Laboratory (ISDL) so that you can help us leverage the power of Neo4j and new tools built on neo4j: Morpheus, Bloom,. The tools you are developing can have impacts throughout the environmental sciences. The revolution begins with salmon.

From two years of IYS preparation, we have plans, participants, and vision for the ISDL. We need technology, technology support, and the ability to support participants and users. We need funding to keep the ISDL glued together long enough to deliver something truly transformational. And to get those tools back to participants.

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