Let’s revisit modelling and loading data

08 Feb, 2021

In this session we're going to pick a data set at random, and talk about how we'd go about modelling and loading it.

Part 2: https://youtu.be/THq4nVnfTTY

Here's the brief write-up: https://lju.medium.com/lets-revisit-modelling-and-loading-data-10d601bbccb6

- https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/retail-food-stores
- (on github): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lju-lazarevic/misc/main/Retail_Food_Stores.csv

Modelling tool:
- https://arrows.app

Sandbox (blank one):
- https://sandbox.neo4j.com

And of course, if you have any questions:
- https://community.neo4j.com

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