36 – Weaving Tangled Webs: Using Graphs to Author Content (And Other Unconventional Use Cases)

18 Jun, 2022

Speaker: Brandon Campbell, Author, Ontologist and Software Engineer

Session type: Full Length Session

Abstract: A satisfying narrative is complex and cohesive. Twisty, but intentional. Surprising and satisfying. Unfortunately, the creative process behind rich content often seems to be the mysterious byproduct of artistic genius – unapproachable without inspiration. But as a community of graph enthusiasts, we embrace complexity. We have the tools to break it down and engineer twists and turns. Usually, we apply these skills to solve business problems, but we aren't limited to them. Thinking with graphs is a superpower with applications, limited only by the creativity of the wielder. In this talk, you will see a demonstration of the art and science of designing a fictional narrative using Silky, an Electron-based React application designed for this express purpose. Silky is a graph-native word processor that encourages authors to plan their work non-linearly and unlocks the power of graph analysis through an interface to Neo4j. With it, we spin characters into threads, and threads into webs. From there, a captivating story is just a graph traversal away. This talk is for the engineer looking for a change of pace, the business professional with a new idea to model, and the hopeless authors among us with a story to tell.

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