011 Neo4j Ops Manager Intro and Roadmap – NODES2022 – Chris Shelmerdine

21 Nov, 2022

This session will provide an overview of the recently released Neo4j Ops Manager product for enterprise customers. We'll explore its use cases and features, as well as watch a demo and look at a product roadmap.

Speakers: Chris Shelmerdine
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Advanced
Topics: #Database, #General, #Advanced
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/011%20Neo4j%20Ops%20Manager%20Intro%20and%20Roadmap%20-%20NODES2022%20AMERICAS%20Advanced%203%20-%20Chris%20Shelmerdine.pdf

Visit https://development.neo4j.dev/nodes-2022 learn more at https://development.neo4j.dev/developer/get-started and engage at https://community.neo4j.com

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