019 Arcurve Skills and Staffing Recommender – NODES2022 – Mike Morley, Pete Tunkis

21 Nov, 2022

Challenge: project planning and team building can be difficult when trying to balance skills, experience, and candidates' availability to get the right people on the job. Proposition: leverage data on roles, experience, skills, and capacity to dynamically recommend the best teams using graph technology.

Speakers: Mike Morley, Pete Tunkis
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Advanced
Topics: #GraphDataScience, #Cypher, #KnowledgeGraph, #MachineLearning, #ProfessionalServices, #HumanResources, #Advanced
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/019%20Arcurve%20Skills%20and%20Staffing%20Recommender%20-%20NODES2022%20AMERICAS%20Advanced%205%20-%20Mike%20Morley%2C%20Pete%20Tunkis.pptx

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