NODES 2023 – UX Considerations Around Scientist Driven Graph Construction for Biopharma R&D

07 Nov, 2023

Drug development requires summarising novel insights stemming from a diverse array of experimental assays. Key to the analysis is metadata that can represent scale and complexity while remaining actionable. Graph-based formats satisfy these criteria but prove difficult for users to input.

In this session, Rafal will discuss the challenges in developing a system for graph-based metadata at AstraZeneca and present the novel FLUIDform interface, which enables all users from bioinformaticians to bench scientists to input dynamically validated metadata graphs – all while masquerading as user-friendly input forms.

#Intermediate #Introductory #BestPractices #Graphdatascience #KnowledgeGraph #Visualization #LifeSciences #Nso4j

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