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Performance tests and other lies
It is a well-known truth that few of us care about the performance of our code, even fewer of us have dealt with performance tests.
Among those of us who have an unequal struggle with efficiency, a small handful of us are aware of how many lies, understatements, and false promises lie hidden in them. During the presentation, we will learn anti-patterns in performance testing and some battle-tested practical advice on how not to be fooled by test results. Should we be afraid of “coordinated omission”? Why statistics is the highest form of lying, aka a quick course in reading test results. Why are “latency” and “throughput” not the same? Why are test datasets as important as test scenarios? What questions do microbenchmarks answer? Do performance tests have layers? Why isn’t performance testing about numbers?
These are just some of the topics I will talk about. If you are not interested in performance testing and avoid this topic like the plague, you will find out why in this presentation. However, if you feel like a “higher priest of the machine” and you are familiar with performance topics, I will help you design tests with greater awareness and interpret their results.
Speaker: Jarosław Pałka, Neo4j