Aleksandar Simeunovic Picture

Aleksandar Simeunovic

Consulting Engineer, Neo4j

Aleksandar is a Consulting Engineer at Neo4j.

Latest Posts by Aleksandar Simeunovic

Rdflib-Neo4j: A New Era in RDF Integration for Neo4j

IntroductionFor the past years, Neosemantics has been the go-to solution for importing/exporting rdf data into/from Neo4j, model mapping, and graph validation based on SHACL validation and inferencing. For Neo4j users, Neosemantics was the only way to ingest any type of RDF formatted data and... read more

Creating Super-Charged Neo4j Dashboards with NeoDash 2.1

As graph databases and graph data is getting more traction in the world the need for specialized graph powered visualization tools to provide feedback to end users is needed.A variety of tools are already available to visualize force-directed graphs but as it turns out these are only a small... read more