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Alex Gilmore

Consulting Engineer, Neo4j

Alex Gilmore is a Consulting Engineer at Neo4j.

Latest Posts by Alex Gilmore

Easy Data Ingestion With Neo4j Runway and

Automatically write ingestion code for your Neo4j graph.Generated by Microsoft DesignerNeo4j Runway is a Python library I developed with the help of Jason Booth and Dan Bukowski at Neo4j. It provides tools that abstract communication with OpenAI to run discovery on your data and generate a... read more

Data Exploration With the Neo4j Runway Python Library

Explore and ingest your relational data into a Neo4j graph in minutesGenerated by Microsoft DesignerIntroductionNeo4j Runway is a Python library I developed with the help of Jason Booth and Daniel Bukowski at Neo4j. It provides tools that abstract communication with OpenAI to run discovery on... read more

Graph Data Models for RAG Applications

When to use graph data models, such as parent-child, question-based, and topic-summary, for RAG applications powered by knowledge graphs. Generated by Microsoft Designer When building a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) application, it can be tempting to just dump your documents in either... read more

PyNeoInstance: A User-Friendly Python Library for Neo4j

Introduction PyNeoInstance was created by my Neo4j colleague Jose Alvarado-Guzman. It allows for easy loading and reading of data in a Neo4j graph by handling tasks such as driver creation and multiprocessing and supports simple configuration with YAML. I have provided a demo GitHub repo here... read more

YouTube Transcripts Into Knowledge Graphs for RAG Applications

IntroductionThis blog will explore how to scrape YouTube video transcripts into a knowledge graph for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. We will use Google Cloud Platform to store our initial transcripts, LangChain to create documents from the transcripts, and a Neo4j graph database... read more