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Ali Emre Varol

Data Scientist and Certified Neo4j Professional

Ali is a Data Scientist and Certified Neo4j Professional.

Latest Posts by Ali Emre Varol

Analyzing Roland Garros and US Open Tennis Tournaments Via Neo4j

Photo by Kevin Mueller on UnsplashNeo4j: Simple Joyful TraversalsIn my opinion, one of the most decent and outstanding sports is tennis. I love watching the buttery slice series, tweeners, wedding proposals, imitations, and impersonations; my favorite copycat is Djokovic. One unforgettable... read more

Exploring the European Natural Gas Network as a Knowledge Graph

In this blog post, we’ll use Neo4j to turn the European Gas Network into a knowledge graph to analyze the data.Photo by Rostislav Artov, UnsplashThe crisis between Ukraine and Russia caused relations between Russia and the E.U. to fall to the lowest point since the Cold War. The... read more