Daniel Starns Picture

Daniel Starns

Software Engineer, Neo4j

Daniel is a software engineer working on GraphQL in the Dev-Tools team.

Latest Posts by Daniel Starns

Neo4j GraphQL Aggregations

Recently we released Neo4j GraphQL 2.4.0 that contained some really cool features, but the coolest, in my opinion, is the autogenerated aggregation queries.What Do You Mean by Aggregations?We use the term aggregations to encapsulate the retrieval of statistical information about the nodes,... read more

Your In-Depth Guide to Neo4j GraphQL Library 2.0.0

In this blog I will take you on a technical dive into the new and improved Neo4j GraphQL Library. Since releasing 1.0.0, in April 2021, we have been working hard taking on board all your ideas, suggestions and applying them to the new and improved 2.0.0 release.Before we dive into what's... read more

Securing Your Graph With Neo4j GraphQL

Securing Your Graph With Neo4j GraphQL

Good day, all. Allow me to navigate you on a journey through Authentication and Authorization in the land of Neo4j GraphQL. Bind your acquired knowledge of our GraphQL directive to Type Definitions, where applied, enables sophisticated auth patterns.This blog is the written format of my NODES 2021... read more