Eric Monk Picture

Eric Monk

Solutions Engineer, Neo4j

Eric is a member of the Professional Services organization and is based near Washington, D.C. He has over 25 years of experience in the enterprise data space, having worked with graph databases, semantic web technologies, NoSQL databases, and SQL databases in both government and commercial sections.

Prior to joining Neo4j, he used Neo4j for over three years and is a Neo4j Certified Engineer.

Latest Posts by Eric Monk

Cypher Workbench as a Neo4j Labs Project

I am pleased to announce that Cypher Workbench has been released under Neo4j Labs. Cypher Workbench is a set of tools that helps you conceptualize, model, and work with graphs and the Cypher query language. It is meant to be complementary to existing Neo4j tools such as Browser, Bloom, and... read more

Learn how to run Cypher to analyze your data inconsistencies in Neo4j.

Run Cypher to Analyze Neo4j Graph Database Inconsistencies

Have you ever wanted to check for data inconsistencies in your Neo4j graph database? Perhaps you are merging data from different sources, or over the course of a project have changed your data model without reloading data. Or alternatively, you are asked to review someone else’s Neo4j... read more

Cypher in Graph building and analysis

Visual Cypher: Presenting Tools That Create, Visualize and Parse Cypher

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Eric Monk at GraphConnect 2018 Presentation Summary Eric Monk is a Neo4j consultant. He implements solutions around Neo4j for customers. He has been working on a tool that helps users create, visualize and parse Cypher. The first step in... read more