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John Stegeman

Graph Database Product Specialist, Neo4j

John “Steggy” Stegeman is a Senior Graph Database Product Specialist with Neo4j. Prior to joining Neo4j, he held solution architect and consulting roles at Oracle, DXC, Waterline Data, and Hitachi Vantara. John is a self-avowed technology nerd who loves using technology to solve real-world enterprise challenges

Latest Posts by John Stegeman

What is a knowledge graph?

What Is a Knowledge Graph?

A knowledge graph is an organized representation of real-world entities and their relationships. It is typically stored in a graph database, which natively stores the relationships between data entities. Entities in a knowledge graph can represent objects, events, situations, or concepts. The... read more

Native vs. Non-Native Graph Database

It’s a familiar figure of speech: “Jack of all trades, master of none.” If you’re trying to be good at everything, you end up being mediocre at most things and not exceptional at anything in particular. Software, technology, and – you guessed it – databases are no... read more