Philip Rathle Picture

Philip Rathle

Chief Technology Officer, Neo4j

Philip Rathle has a passion for building great products that help users solve tomorrow’s challenges. He spent the first decade of his career building information solutions for some of the world’s largest companies: first with Accenture, then with Tanning Technology, one of the world’s top database consultancies of the time, as a solution architect focusing on data warehousing and BI strategy.

Latest Posts by Philip Rathle

GQL, the future of graph databases is here.

ISO GQL: A Defining Moment in the History of Database Innovation

Last Friday, ISO published a new database query language: ISO GQL. It’s a peer language to SQL and the first new ISO database language since 1987 — when the first version of SQL was released. This is a really big deal. The GQL standard is for and about graphs. Graphs are a way of... read more

GraphConnect 2022: Product Announcements!

We're so pleased to follow up on the announcements we made today at GraphConnect. Our teams worked tirelessly to make the vision of the graph data platform a reality and today we shared updates that continue to make good on that vision. In this blog, we're recapping the highlights Emil Eifrem... read more

Meet Keith Hare, Neo4j's newest team member.

Q+A with Keith Hare: Newest Neo4j Team Member, Active in the Database Query Standards Process Since 1988

Keith Hare has joined the Neo4j team to spearhead language standards efforts. My name is Philip Rathle, Neo4j's VP of Product Management, and I got a chance to sit down with Keith to discuss his thoughts on databases, standards and the future of the industry. Philip Rathle:... read more

Read why Neo4j has decided to adopt an open core licensing model for Neo4j Enterprise Edition

Simplicity Wins: We’re Shifting to an Open Core Licensing Model for Neo4j Enterprise Edition

TL;DR: Starting with Neo4j 3.5, Enterprise Edition source code will no longer be published to the open source commons, including future versions. This does not impact Neo4j Community Edition. We will continue to deliver the world’s best and most comprehensive graph database as open... read more

Learn what's new in Neo4j 3.4, including Multi-Clustering, Cypher performance and new data types

Neo4j Graph Database 3.4 GA Release: Everything You Need to Know

Author's note: What a hectic week in the world of Neo4j! In addition to finalizing the delivery of Neo4j 3.4, we simultaneously built the GQL Manifesto, a call to support a common, unified Graph Query Language. Thank you to the graph community for your strong vote of support! If you have not... read more

Learn about the alpha release of Cypher for Apache Spark™ making Cypher available for analytics

Cypher – the SQL for Graphs – Is Now Available for Apache Spark

In case you missed it at GraphConnect New York: The Neo4j team has announced the public alpha release of Cypher for Apache Spark™. We’ve been building Cypher for Apache Spark for over a year now and have donated it to the openCypher project under an Apache 2.0 license, allowing for external... read more

Learn all about what's new in Neo4j 3.2, including enterprise scale, native graph performance and production governance

Neo4j 3.2 GA Release: Enterprise Scale, Native Performance & More

We are proud to announce the general availability release of Neo4j 3.2. This release marks an expansion in global scale, enterprise refinement and all-around performance. It signals that the next generation of graph-powered Internet applications will span the globe. To this end, the themes... read more

Learn All about the Official Release of Neo4j 3.0, including Scale, Productivity and Deployment

Official Release: 3 Essentials of Neo4j 3.0, from Scale to Productivity & Deployment

Today, the Neo4j team is proud to announce the release of Neo4j 3.0.0. As the first release in the 3.x series, Neo4j 3.0 is based on a completely redesigned architecture and a commitment to offer the world's most scalable graph database, greater developer productivity and a wide range of... read more

Learn More about Scaling Massive Graph Data with Neo4j on IBM POWER8 Technology

Neo4j on IBM POWER8: Scale Massive Graphs Like Never Before

openCypher and the Neo4j 2.3 release weren’t the only big announcements Emil Eifrem made during his keynote address at GraphConnect San Francisco. The Neo4j team is also proud to unveil Neo4j on IBM POWER8. Just as we are working hard to make Neo4j the best, fastest and most scalable... read more

Discover the New Features and Improvements Now Available in Neo4j 2.3

Neo4j 2.3: Enhanced Enterprise Applications at Scale

If you didn’t hear the news from Emil Eifrem’s keynote presentation at GraphConnect San Francisco yesterday: The Neo4j team is pleased to announce the general availability of Neo4j 2.3.0. Everyone from across Neo Technology has worked hard to make sure this the best, fastest and most... read more

Neo4j 2.2 Milestone Release

Better, Faster, and More Scalable Neo4j than ever before Neo4j 2.2 aims to be our fastest and most scalable release ever. With Neo4j 2.2 our engineering team introduces massive enhancements to the internal architecture resulting in higher performance and scalability. This first milestone (or... read more

2013: What’s Coming Next in Neo4j!

2013: What's Coming Next in Neo4j! Following the recent 2012 retrospective, we’d like to share some of our plans for the coming year. If you’ve been following our latest progress, you already know that we have a 1.9 version in the works. Neo4j 1.9 makes great strides in HA cluster... read more