Sony Green Picture

Sony Green

Co-Founder and Director of Business Development, Kineviz

Sony Green is co-founder and Director of Business Development at Kineviz. After receiving his BFA in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design, he studied 3D animation at the Vancouver Film School and went on to work for LucasArts, Salesforce, the CDC, Yahoo, IGN and multiple tech startups. He brings Kineviz’ clients and partners a cross-disciplinary approach to data visualization and analytics.

Latest Posts by Sony Green

Learn more about GraphXR, which enables graph exploration in virtual reality.

Adding GraphXR as a Graph App in Neo4j Desktop

One of Neo4j Desktop's most exciting new features is the incorporation of Graph Apps. Many of you are likely familiar with Graph Apps from using Neo4j's in-house visualization product, Neo4j Bloom. Inspired by Bloom, Kineviz created a Graph App deployment for our own platform: GraphXR. GraphXR:... read more

Data visualization for machine learning (ML)

Evaluating Investor Performance Using Neo4j, GraphXR and ML

Venture capital has become an increasingly popular and often necessary source of financing for startups in today’s current business climate. Small companies that lack access to other common sources of capital, such as bank loans or debt funding, can get necessary financial backing from... read more