Heroku Addon News: New “Try” Plan Migration and Request for Feedback

We’ve been working to improve our architecture in our Heroku Add-on.  We’ve also been working on making it possible for you guys to migrate off of our deprecated Test plan, and onto our supported Try plan.  That’s taken longer than we thought, and we’ve learned a lot along the way.

Now, it’s possible for you to upgrade to our Try plan. We’ve implemented feature toggles for this, and you’ll get an email when the toggle is enabled on one of your databases.  We’ll be enabling this for all users shortly.

Now here’s the good bit: The first ten people who convert to the Try plan are going to get a Neo4j T-shirt.  It’s our way of thanking you for sticking with us.  The Try plan is free and will remain so.  We’re quite happy that we now have a reliable way of converting you to a future paid plan, however!

We’re still making progress towards our goal of a robust Neo4j offering in the cloud, and we think you’ll like the improvements that we’re making: we’re going to make it more reliable, secure and informative.

However: we want to ask for the opinion of the people who matter most: you, the users.  So, if you have comments or suggestions, please don’t hold back: email us at heroku-feedback@neotechnology.com.

Julian Simpson

From the land of the Long White Cloud
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