Neo4j – Heroku Application Template Challenge

Dear Developer Community,

Today, we challenge you to create the best Heroku-hosted demo or template applications for the Neo4j Add-on.

Every participant will get a Neo4j-Heroku t-shirt and awesome prizes will be given to the best contributions.

Throughout the next month you have the chance to provide others with ready-made applications that are educational, tested and working well. At the same time we would love to get some feedback for the Neo4j Add-on.

You are free to choose the type of application, programming language, frameworks and Neo4j-driver that you would want to work with.

To leverage the Neo4j graph database on Heroku, please add the Neo4j add-on to your application.

Please register your application after (or also during) the development at the Gensen – Heroku Template Repository.

The Gensen Repository is also running on Neo4j and will hopefully be a popular sharing place for Heroku templates for lots of different domains, use-cases, languages and add-ons in the future.

Gensen will be the place where we will look for contributions, and where others can rate and comment on your contribution.

The challenge will use the Gensen rating system and Twitter promotions to crowdsource the prize winning contributions. After the end of the challenge on Feb 13, a guest panel will review the top applications to identify the winners.

Check out the Official Neo4j Challenge website for all the details.

Looking forward to all your contributions,

The Neo4j Community Team

Peter, Andreas, Michael