Rabbithole, the Neo4j REPL console

Rabbithole, the Neo4j REPL console

Over the last few days the Neo4j community team worked on the initial iteration for an interactive Neo4j tutorial.
The first result we are proud to publish is a sharable console that runs an in-memory Neo4j instance in a web-session.
It supports Cypher queries of the graph and Geoff for importing and modifying the graph data. The graph itself and the cypher results are visualized in an overlay using d3.js.
You can easily get a link to share your current graph content and even tweet it.
For the web application we use the minimal Spark web-framework.
The app is deployed to Heroku and available on github.

Here it is in live-action:

You can also test setting up your own graph:

Now, with all these nice things in place, imagine what we can start doing:

  • share a graph setup with just one URL in mails, Twitter and bookmarks like https://tinyurl.com/cak4oc8
  • Embed live example consoles into the Neo4j manual (we are experimenting with it currently)
  • Easy embedded of working graph visualizations via iframes and widgets, possibly with different visualization options (see Max De Marzis blog for some great examples)
  • More interesting visualizations like Geographic rendering and Hiveplots
And much, much more. Let’s see if we can together build cool and innovative stuff around this! Feel free to discuss on the Neo4j mailing list !

Yours truly

Michael, Andreas and Peter