Using Load CSV to Import data from Google Spreadsheet

Rik Van Bruggen

Regional VP & Neo4j Advocate

Using Load CSV to Import data from Google Spreadsheet

My colleague Rickard recently did a great graphgist on Elite:Dangerous trading. When I read his post, the first thing that struck me was that he had found a great clever way to import data into Neo4j. And since I have been into data imports for a while, I decided to take it for a spin, and write it up for you. The mechanism uses two fundamental capabilities:
  • Google Spreadsheets have a great capability to export the data into a CSV format. That export capability generates a unique URI that you can download the CSV of a specific sheet in the spreadsheet from.
  • Neo4j’s Load CSV capability can leverage data that is located at **any** URI. The data does not have to be local – it can be anywhere on the network.
So let’s give this a try.