Why We’re Changing Our Company Name
By becoming Neo4j, Inc. we now accept that it is how the world has always known us, and we’re updating our legal name to reflect that reality.
Today’s announcement also indicates our continued commitment to Neo4j – the open source graph database project. In fact, I believe that commitment to the open source community is what continues to make Neo4j as successful as it is.
When my co-founders and I first started Neo4j, we couldn’t have imagined the scale of the open source project that it would become. Today, Neo4j is a central part of the graph technology movement. This change enables us to focus 100% of our entire organization’s efforts on Neo4j, whether it is to build the product or build awareness for it.
What the Change to Neo4j, Inc. Means for You
So, what does this name change mean for you?
For legal and contractual purposes, the company name will change on all of our fine print and in a few other places across our website. Otherwise, you might not even notice.
For you – our community, our partners and our customers – nothing will change. But how you use Neo4j will keep changing the world.
P.S. I know a few of you might be wondering about the name “Neo4j” itself, especially about the pesky “4j” postfix. While Neo4j was originally a JVM library, we’ve long outgrown our JVM-only roots. However, the name “Neo4j” is now globally recognized – despite, or even perhaps because of, it’s unconventional sound – and it’s here to stay.