Bloor Research Publishes Vendor-Neutral Analysis of Neo4j

Dave Packer

Vice President, Product Marketing

Read this Bloor Research product sheet with a vendor-neutral analysis of the Neo4j graph database
Read this Bloor Research product sheet with a vendor-neutral analysis of the Neo4j graph databaseThere are a million technologies competing for your attention, and sometimes it’s hard to weed out the marketing fluff from real product talk.

That’s why we’ve decided to take a moment, step out of the way, and give you access to what vendor-neutral analysts have to say about the Neo4j graph database. In the next few months, we hope to spotlight what analyst firms across the globe are saying about Neo4j with the greater database ecosystem – so you don’t just have to take our word for it.

This time, we’re featuring analysis from UK-based firm Bloor Research.

What Bloor Research Has to Say about Neo4j

Bloor Research is one of Europe’s leading independent IT research, analysis and consultancy firms, based in London and founded in 1989. When it comes to how Neo4j stacks up against other databases (including graph and non-graph competitors), Bloor Research has done the hard work for you.

This one-page Bloor product sheet gives you an analysis of:
    • Neo4j’s development and the history of Neo Technology
    • Neo4j’s strengths and best use cases
    • Neo4j’s weaknesses and threats
    • How Neo4j stacks up against an ideal database
    • How Neo4j balances trade-offs between scale, performance, ease of use, analytics, operations and other features
If you’re interested in learning what Bloor Research thinks of Neo4j, I encourage you to download this brief, one-page report by clicking below. Whether for you or your superiors, this is an excellent vendor-neutral introduction and analysis of Neo4j.

Get this one-page Bloor product sheet and discover how Bloor Research analyzes and ranks Neo4j’s strengths, threats and business trade-offs.

Download the Report