Winners of the Neo4j GraphGist Winter Challenge 2015

Michael Hunger

Head of Product Innovation & Developer Strategy, Neo4j

Winners of the Neo4j GraphGist Winter Challenge 2015

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Every time we ask our community to participate in one of our challenges to share interesting graph models and use-cases, we’re amazed at the quality and thoughtfulness of the submissions. This year was no exception and our Winter Challenge attracted 17 amazing entries.
First of all thanks to everyone who invested time and effort and participated! Everyone is a winner and will get a Neo4j T-Shirt and a free ticket for GraphConnect Europe or SFO.
Thanks a lot to our judges, Luanne, Nicole, Kevin and Michael, who had the tough job of rating the submissions.

Without further ado, here are our winners per category, each winning an $500 Amazon Gift Card.

Solve the JOIN pain. Complex relational models and queries converted to a graph model

Mahtab shows how a cricket and RDBMS lover would go on modeling the world of Cricket as a Graph. This makes it not only easy to visualize your data but also to ask more insightful questions and get interesting answers.

Make a wish come true. Recommendations for anything imaginable

Wai-Yin used to create a graph of breweries and beers. The graph gist shows a tiny subgraph of that wonderful dataset and tries to recommend beers by style, categories, locations and more.

What if Winter was coming? Impact Analysis on dependent information networks

Marcus knows what he’s writing about, having worked with Supply Chain Management and graph databases before he expertly explains the concepts and connections. Demonstrating various use-cases shows how a Graph Database makes it easy to provide insights and guaratees within sustainable supply chains.
Plug: He’s just finished his thesis on Pattern Matching in Graph Databases and looks for a cool job in one of these areas in the Greater Los Angeles region.

A library of everything. Content and asset management

Justyna is a veteran Graph Gist author. This year she uses a complex data model of digital and non-digital media and the relevant relationships to demonstrate how a publishing company could manage it’s assets using a graph database and provide a lot of new functionality to its users, editors and authors.

Find my special star. Creative Graph Search and Insights

Harish embarked on a topic, that many people in the Neo4j Community love, the GitHub dataset and timeline. GitHub events form an interesting and complex graph of interactions that can be easily modeled, imported and queried. You can gain many insights and implicit connections from querying that data, check out Harish’s app and stay tuned for more around this in the near future.

Amaze us – Give your best and show us a graph application beyond imagination

As all your entries were amazing and we were stuck in a paradox of choice, we rather thought to split that prize between the next 5 entries, which are:

Thank You. Everyone!

We also want to thank everyone else who submitted, we hope you had as much fun as we did. Every submission is an impressive demonstration of your skills and the power of the graph, here is our final group:
And please continue to share your interesting graph models and use-cases with our larger community!
We plan to feature the best GraphGists directly on the respective pages for use-cases and innovative Neo4j and Cypher usage.
Your Neo4j Developer Relations Team