Hackers, Start Your Engines: Global GraphHack 2019 Kicks Off

Global GraphHack 2019 kicks off today.

Andddd, we’re off! The Global GraphHack has officially kicked-off!

With over 450 registered hackers, this is officially the World’s Largest GraphHack in History!

Theme: Extending the Graph Ecosystem

Your task is to build something – using or extending Neo4j – that benefits others in the community. It can be an extension of something that already exists or something completely new.

Code and documentation must be shared and explained.

Here are some ideas to get your mind wandering:

Participants can hack individually, form their own team with friends or colleagues, or team up with other Neo4j community members from around the globe.


The top three winning teams will receive:

    • Flight and hotel to GraphConnect 2020 in Times Square (max $2000 per person)
    • Free tickets to GraphConnect 2020 in Times Square (includes training sessions)
    • Private-access to the invite-only Ecosystem Summit (at GraphConnect)
    • Meet-and-greet with one (or more) of the Neo4j Executive Staff
    • An invitation to present your project at a dedicated GraphConnect 2020 DevZone session
    • Even more visibility by showcasing your work on the Neo4j blog and featured in This Week in Neo4j newsletter


A combination of community votes and a Neo4j panel of judges will determine the winning teams.

Judging criteria (weighted equally) will be based on: creativity, usefulness, completeness, and quality and clarity of written documentation.

Submitting Your Project

You can submit your project directly on DevPost. What we’re asking for you to include in the submission:

    • Publish the code for your project to GitHub (don’t forget to add a read-me that includes documentation for the project. This should include including instructions for how others can use it).
    • Create a 1-2 minute video explaining your project. This can be a screen share or a video of you presenting it.
Good luck! We can’t wait to see what you build!

All information for The Global GraphHack can also be found here: https://development.neo4j.dev/graph-hack-19/

Questions? Email us at community@neo4j.com