Here’s How the Neo4j Community Celebrated Global Graph Celebration Day!

Neo4j Program Manager, Community Development & Enablement
11 min read

If you didn’t get a chance to participate (there’s always next year!), check out this video on what Global Graph Celebration Day is, why Euler is so important and how his discovery continues to resonate today.
60+ events, in 6 continents, were hosted and led by our community! Here a snapshot of how Global Graph Celebration Day was commemorated:
Location: Canberra, Australia
Organized by: Steven Mogg, Jordon Antognelli, Tom Urwin
— Steven Mogg (@myearthjourney) April 15, 2019
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Organized by: Vigneswaren Krishnamoorthy
Celebrating Global Graph Celebration Day as WSF Hubs, interesting introduction to Graphs and its use cases. Healthy discussion about how we find graphs everywhere. #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
— kassim (@vignes_k) April 15, 2019
Location: London, United Kingdom
Organized by: David Stevens
Great internal session for @neo4j #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay @DXCTechnology
— David Stevens (@EnglishSid) April 15, 2019
Location: Accra, Ghana
Organized by: William Sam, Bernard Ayittah, Daniel Sackey, Terry Bartels, Amenuveve Ocloo, Justice Esuman
Celebrating Global Graph Celebration Day in Accra Ghana. Interesting introduction to Graph and its use cases. #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay #Neo4Gh#Neo4j#GraphDatabases
— Neo4jGh (@Neo4jGH) April 15, 2019
Location: Salem, Tamilnadu, India
Organized by: P. Sathishkumar, P. Arunkumar, M. Priyalaxmi, Narendhran
100 ➕ Awesome Web development tools is essential need .Here @psathishsivam visualize all in one ☔ using #neo4j — i18n solutions (@i18nsolutions) April 15, 2019
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Organized by: Chrisogonas Mc’Odhiambo, Brendan
Happy #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay !!! Spent the day with Graph Enthusiasts looking at @neo4j basics as well as use of “Graphs in Banking Integration with AI and Machine Learning Technologies”… thanks to @neo4j example –
— Chrisogonas Odhiambo (@chrisogonas) April 16, 2019
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Organized by: Henrique Rabelo de Andrade, Daniel Belchior, Pedro Marins
It was great fun sharing what we know about the graph database and discussing daily usage on #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay in Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
— Daniel Belchior (@danielbelchior) April 16, 2019
Location: South Jordan, Utah
Organized by: Michael Black
#helloworld from all of us at #cricut celebrating #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay !
— Michael Black Photography (@MikeTheAggieKID) April 16, 2019
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Organized by: Michael Black
#helloworld from all of us from #saltlakecity celebrating #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay !
— Michael Black Photography (@MikeTheAggieKID) April 16, 2019
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia
Organized by: Nur Aini Rakhmawati, Postgraduate Information Systems Department, Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
#neo4j #graphcelebrationday surabaya indonesia
— Nur Aini Rakhmawati (@nuraini) April 15, 2019
Location: Karachi City, Pakistan
Organized by: Siraj Munir, ACM Chapter MAJU
Had an awesome day celebrating #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay #Neo4j #LoveForGraph
— SIRAJ MUNIR (@8054598573c64fb) April 17, 2019
Location: Dresden, Germany
Organized by: Sascha Peukert, Michael Hunger
Best city view of all #Neo4j #GlobalGraphCelebrationDays in #Dresden presented by @SasPeuk and myself.
Thanks to everyone who came by. #GGCD — Michael Hunger (@mesirii) April 15, 2019
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Organized by: Pedro Parraguez, Daniel Pryn, Jens Ludvigsen
What a great experience to be the Danish node for the first #globalgraphcelebrationday at #Copenhagen ?? Looking forward to next year event! ?? CC: @danielpryn @neo4j @askkerush
— Pedro Parraguez Ruiz (@parraguezr) April 16, 2019
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Organized by: Ivana Momcilovic
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDays #ZdravoSvete #Belgrade
— Ivana (@MomcilovicIvana) April 16, 2019
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Organized by: Dominic KUMAR
@DominicKUMAR7 Hello from Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) Airlines Route Optimization #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay #GlobalGraphCelebrationDays #neo4j
Location: Accra, Ghana
Organized by: John Gyimah, Naa Amerley Croffie
Rancard uses @neo4j as the primary graph database for it’s social recommendation engine in Conversational Commerce. Today we celebrate Leonhard Euler on #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay for his work in Graph Theory#EvolutionofDatabases#ConversationalCommerce#SocialRecommendations
— rancard (@RancardUpdates) April 15, 2019
Location: Austin, Texas
Organized by: Valkyrie Intelligence, Austin Big Data AI Meetup, Charlie Burgoyne and Betsy Hilliard of Valkyrie Intelligence.
Best #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay ever! Thanks to our scientists @beonahill & @CharlieBurgoyne, the Austin Big Data AI Meetup, @galvanize and @neo4j for making tonight such a smash!
— Valkyrie (@ValkyrieIntel) April 16, 2019
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Organized by: Augustine Correa
Finale of #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay . Happy ? Leonard Euler. Keep crossing those bridge. Thank you @neo4j for putting this all together and for the awesome Tees. Thank you @MicrosoftIndia @msdevindia for the venue and the delicious cake.
— Hackerspace Mumbai (@hackmum) April 15, 2019
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Organized by: Jess Mason, Jason Cox, Philly GraphDB
Celebrating #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay at #IndyHall with the @PhillyGraphDB meetup group. We’re working on a Neo4j Graph Gist project to celebrate this event. We’ll be trying to solving a Jigsaw puzzle using #Neo4j , #ComputerVision and #BSplineOCR
— Philly GraphDB (@PhillyGraphDB) April 15, 2019
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Organized by: Jhonathan de Souza Soares, Leandro Del Busso Domingues, Otávio Santana, Igor de Paula
Record of the sensational event celebrating #globalgraphcelebrationday with @neo4j in São Paulo!
— Jhonathan de Souza (@jhomarolo) April 16, 2019
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Organized by: Calin Constantinov, Gabriel Preda
From finding the closest @Starbucks when coming out of a pub in #London to helping detect #trolls on @facebook, we had loads of fun talking about graphs! This is our “Hello World” from #Bucharest! #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay @neo4j
— Calin Constantinov (@GraphGuyCalin) April 16, 2019
Location: Centennial, Colorado
Organized by: Kiran Pingali, Ravi Kiran Ponduri, Pradeep Ponduri
Apps Consultant’s Global Graph Celebration Day! #GGCD #helloworld
— Apps Consultants (@appsconsultants) April 16, 2019
Location: Blagnac, France
Organized by: Nicolas ROUYER, Cédric FAUVET
#neo4j history through the years and through tee-shirts at #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay @villa_occitanie
— Nicolas ROUYER (@rrrouyer) April 15, 2019
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Organized by: Koji Annoura, Changhwan Lee, Yukiya Hayashi
GGCD Tokyo meetup. We shared LightningTalks in Tokyo, Fukuoka and Kanazawa.#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
— Koji Annoura (@kojiannoura) April 16, 2019
Location: Fukuoka, Japan
Organized by: Michito Ichimaru, FUJITSU KYUSHU SYSTEMS LIMITED/ KYUSHU TEN LIMITED/ ADVANCED MANAGEMENT CONSULTING CO., LTD./ GlobalWorks Corporation/ Kuzilla System Development CO., LTD.
We held “GlobalGraphCelebrationDay Fukuoka” We gave a talk about this three titles 1.Auto generate design documents from Neo4j TITLE : (Neo4j)-[:GENERATES]->(GitBook) 2.Recommendation engine PoC TITLE : Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought 3.The best practices for using Neo4j TITLE : The best practices for using Neo4j (using multi language) #Neo4jUsersGroup #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
Location: San Francisco, California
Organized by: Kineviz (Weidong Yang, Sony Green), Metis (Stephany Bittar, Nathan Vermeiren), San Francisco Big Data Science (Saurabh Kumar,
Thanks to all who participated in #GraphCelebrationDay ! @crichey from @FactGem , @thisismetis & @h2oai for Co-hosting, & @askkerush of @Neo4j for making it all happen. And thanks to our attendees for checking out #graph-based #BusinessIntelligence / #bi in #GraphXR + #Factgem !
— Kineviz (@kineviz) April 17, 2019
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Organized by: Wing Kwong, Stuart Williams, Dave Fulawka, Susan Howlett
“Special note of appreciation goes out to Bison Transport as the corporate sponsor hosting the Global Graph Celebration Day event in Winnipeg, and to Neo4j’s Mike Carey and David Rosenblum as the featured speakers.”
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Organized by: Boris Yartsev, Silvia Rannit, Denys Pysmenniy, Alexander Tavgen
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay Meetup with food, beer, and two talks on graphs in Tallinn! Thank you #Neo4j and #Bolt
— Boris Yartsev (@b0rb0SS) April 17, 2019
Location: Łódź, Poland
Organized by: Jarosław Pałka, Paweł Włodarski, Łukasz Piotr Łuczak, Java User Group Łódź
Photos from yesterday , @j_palka @lukasz_luczak and #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
— Java User Group Łódź (@juglodz) April 16, 2019
Location: Ciudad de México, Mexico
Organized by: Antonio Sollano (+ Leo & Eric)
HOLA MUNDO….Thank you Lio & Eric for a small but powerful (Graphs)-[:LOVE]->(Chelas) Mexico edition. Building a LATAM graph one node at a time. Incredible ideas for future solutions 🙂#globalgraphcelebrationday
— Agave Link (@Agave37119776) April 16, 2019
Location: Mumbai, India
Organized by: Kunjal Maheshwari, Hiren Gada
Its Euler’s bday and we celebrated Global graph celebration day @ Mumbai#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay @neo4j @askkerush
— Kunjal Maheshwari (@kunj_sur_sayam) April 15, 2019
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Organized by: Abir Gharazeddine, Alessandro Negro, Michal Bachman, Kateřina Kubalíková, Veronika Srncova
Amazing talk about #KnowledgeGraphs delivered by @AlessandroNegro at Smart Data Summit Dubai. #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
— GraphAware (@graph_aware) April 15, 2019
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Organized by: Anke Pachauer, Axel Morgner, Christian Morgner, Susanne Morgner, Kai Schwaiger, Inès Woltmann, Christian Kramp, Michael Volpert, Lukas Reich, Nicolas Voigt
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay #structr #neo4j #presentation #graphdatabase Meanwhile enjoying dessert 🙂
— Structr (@structr) April 15, 2019
Location: Madrid, Spain
Organized by: Bea Hernández, Leticia Martín-Fuertes, Inés Huertas, RLadies Madrid
Today’s @RLadiesMAD meetup in collaboration with @neo4j has been awesome! So much fun to see all of graph friends and super interesting talks! Thanks @askkerush for the heads up on organizing the #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
— Bea. (@Chucheria) April 15, 2019
Location: Munich, Germany
Organized by: Bert Radke, Joschka Wanke, Stefan Armbruster, Alexander Erdl
Had fun giving an introduction to @neo4j on the #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay in Munich/Germany. Thanks for discussions afterwards.
— Bert (@taseroth) April 15, 2019
Location: Washington, D.C.
Organized by: Michael McKenzie, Tommy Jones, Maria Ronseria, Amy Hodler
Celebrating #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay and today’s launch of “Graph Algorithms” by @OReillyMedia in Washington D.C. with co-author @amyhodler presenting on graph-enhanced machine learning.#Neo4j #ai #spiderbook
Free ebook available here: — Philip Rathle (@prathle) April 15, 2019
Location: New York City, New York
Organized by: Reshama Shaikh, Saurabh.Kumar, Greta Workman, WiMLDC NY, Metis Data Science, NY Big Data Science,, Stack Overflow
Given the turnout, we see lots of passion for #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay by @neo4j! Space hosted by @StackExchange
— WiMLDS NYC (@WiMLDS_NYC) April 15, 2019
Location: Bengaluru, India
Organized by: CAST Software, Kunal Yadav, Paramveer Singh, Raghu Madhava, Vikash Kumar Verma
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay Meetup with food and talks on graphs !!! Thanks @neo4j #Neo4j
— Paramveer (@paramveer18) April 17, 2019
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Organized by: Claudia Caruso, Ralf Becher
Three great talks on our first #Graph Technology Meetup in #Leipzig for #GraphCelebrationDay #Neo4j #gradoop #analytics #graphbi
— Ralf Becher (@irregularbi) April 15, 2019
Location: Stavanger, Norway
Organized by: Joe Chesak
We had a great time celebrating the first ever Global Graph Day here in Stavanger Norway. We ‘solved’ the seven bridges problem together (not bad given it’s by definition unsolvable). And we destroyed a decadent seven bridges chocolate cake.
— Joe Chesak (@JoeChesak) April 17, 2019
Location: Calgary, Canada
Organized by: Mike Morley Presenting on geological applications for graph day!
Presenting on geological applications for graph day!
— Mike Morley (@menomeTech) April 17, 2019
Location: Prior Lake, Minnesota
Organized by: James Berndt
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay swag from Neo4j. Spread the knowledge of graph databases and how we can use them!
— microsguy (@microsguy) April 17, 2019
Location: Perth Australia
Organized by: Rimma Shafikova, Diana Mozo-Anderson, Denis Lapchev, Alexander Fletcher
Graph appreciation day VGW style. 4 hours of all things graph, with a lunch and learn session for the whole company in between. Thanks to everyone who contributed their Linkedin connections data – it was fun exploring our mini-net.#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay
— Rimma (@RimmaShafikova) April 18, 2019
Location: Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
Organized by: Norbert Preining, Neo4j User Group Kanazawa
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay in #Kanazawa Japan on #debian packages in #Neo4j graphs. Thanks to @neo4j for the great support and perks!
— Norbert Preining (@norbusan) April 18, 2019
Location: Beijing, China
Organized by: Jorge Zaccaro
#GlobalGraphCelebrationDay Beijing, talking about knowledge graphs and @Neo4j for learning Chinese characters. Mandarin Chinese is actually a graph! 其实汉语就是一种知识图谱:六书 部首 分解 构词 搭配 辨析 接龙 等等~ 一切都是相关的!
— Jorge Zaccaro (@jorgezaccaro) April 17, 2019
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Organized by: Grand Rapids Java User Group, Carlus Henry, Sydney Paulson
What an amazing night as the @grjug celebrated #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay with Neo4J Professional Consultant Mark Andrews. Mark gave an introduction to Neo4J, the types of problems it solves, as well as setup and Java integration. Grand Rapids, MI.
— crhenry (@crhenry) April 18, 2019
Location: Curaçao
Organized by: Arthur Namias de Crasto
During the session a team building graph of EMS was showed. Other topics discussed amongst others were compliance related such as: how to improve with Anti-Money Laundering investigation using Graphs and why are Graphs right for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Furthermore, the Panama Papers Graph was shown as example. To conclude and commemorate this day, the team posed for a picture with our welcome sign (Bon Bini Mundu!)
Are @neo4j pastries a way to celebrate #GlobalGraphCelebrationDay ??
— Christophe Willemsen (@ikwattro) April 15, 2019
Thank you to all of our organizers who helped this movement happen!! Jhonathan de Souza Soares, Leandro Del Busso Domingues, Otávio Santana, Igor de Paula, Nicolas ROUYER, Siraj Munir, Wing Kwong, Stuart Williams, Dave Fulawka, Susan Howlett, Amine Ghrab, EURANOVA, Sascha Peukert, Michael Hunger, Mr. Sathishkumar, Mrs. Haseena, Mr. Arunkumar, Priyalaxmi, Narendhran, Henrique Rabelo de Andrade, Daniel Belchior, Pedro Marins, Neo4j Users Group Tokyo, Koji Annoura, Changhwan Lee, Yukiya Hayashi, Arthur Namias de Crasto, Ivana Momcilovic, Jarosław Pałka, Paweł Włodarski, Łukasz Piotr Łuczak, Pedro Parraguez, Calin Constantinov, Gabriel Preda, Andreea Zanfir, Sony Green, CAST Software, Kunal Yadav, Paramveer Singh, Raghu Madhava, Vikash Kumar Verma Steven Mogg, Charlie Burgoyne, Liz Coufal, Betsy Hilliard, Galvanize Austin, Tuhin Mahmud, Austin Big Data AI Meetup, Neo4j Users Group Fukuoka, Michito Ichimaru, Jess Mason, Jason Cox, Philly GraphDB Meetup, Ralf Becher, Claudia Caruso, Dominic KUMAR, Christian GUICHOU, CAPGEMINI, Michael Black, Neo4j User Group Kanazawa – Norbert Preining, Anna Scaramuzza, Aleks Ontman, Sydney Beckett, Bea Hernández, Leticia Martín-Fuertes, Inés Huertas, Teri Ishii, Kunjal Maheshwari, Hiren Gada, Mike Morley, Abir Gharazeddine, Alessandro Negro, Michal Bachman, Kateřina Kubalíková, Veronika Srncova, Satya prakash, Boris Yartsev, Silvia Rannit, Denys Pysmenniy, Alexander Tavgen, Augustine Correa, Bert Radke, Joschka Wanke, Stefan Armbruster, Alexander Erdl, senthilkumar, saranya, Vigneswaren Krishnamoorthy, Michael McKenzie, Tommy Jones, Maria Ronseria, Grand Rapids Java User Group, Carlus Henry, Sydney Paulson, Chrisogonas Odhiambo, Rimma Shafikova, Diana Mozo-Anderson, Alexander Fletcher, Denis Lapchev, Shubham Suryakant Mhatre, Pushkar Dravid, Shreyas Pawar, Devraj Pradhan, Arsalan Mohammad, Priti Munshi, Vitaly Mareev, William E. Sam, Bernard Ayittah, Daniel Sackey, Terry Bartels, Amenuveve Ocloo, Justice Esuman, Nur Aini Rakhmawati, Postgraduate Information Systems Department, Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Antonio Sollano, Tom Michiels, Ignaz Wanders, Koen Rutten, Ashwin Pingali, Kiran Pingali, Ravi Kiran Ponduri, Pradeep Ponduri, Anke Pachauer, Axel Morgner, Christian Morgner, Susanne Morgner, Kai Schwaiger, Inès Woltmann, Christian Kramp, Michael Volpert, Lukas Reich, Nicolas Voigt, David Stevens, John Gyimah, Naa Amerley Croffie, Konstantin Guboglo, Andrey Kondaurov, Metis Data Science, NY Big Data Science, Manish Jain, James Berndt, Senica Gonzalez, Robert Usher, Namrata Sherkhane, Julie Stefaniak, Jorge Zaccaro, Joe Chesak, Jason Zagalsky, Weidong Yang, Sony Green, Stephany Bittar, Nathan Vermeiren, Metis Data Science, Saurabh Kumar,
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