Below are some of our top picks from our stellar (and growing!) community members.
If you would like to see your post featured in December’s “From the Community” blog post, follow us on Twitter and use the #Neo4j hashtag for your chance to get picked.
- How to become a data hero in Neo4j? by Jarosław Pałka
- Ebola Twitter Network Analysis by John Swain
- Lowest Common Ancestors in Trees and Directed Acyclic Graphs by Michael A. Bender, et al
- Congressional PageRank – Analyzing US Congress with Neo4j and Apache Spark by William Lyon
- How a Graph Database Unearthed Major Financial Improprieties by Global Banking and Finance Review
- Creating a Graph Application with Python, Neo4j and Linkurious.js by Greg Roberts
- Announcing New Features and Partnerships for GrapheneDB by Alberto Perdomo
- Turning Neo4j into a Real-time Database by Anmol Agrawal
- Neo4j Launches Open Source Graph Query Language openCypher by Srini Penchikala, InfoQ
- Graph-Based Recommendation Engine for Shopware by Daniel Nogel
- Competitive benchmarks and Superchargers by Max De Marzi
- Master Data Management and Why Graphs Matter by Aaron Wallace
- Faster Recommendations with Neo4j Triadic Selection by Alessandro Negro & Christophe Willemsen
- Building Web Apps Using Flask and Neo4j (Training Video) by Nicole White, for O’Reilly Video
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