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4 Best Practices for Introducing Your Teams to Graph Data Science

While Gartner predicts that 80 percent of data and analytics innovations will use graph technology by 2025, we understand that for most, knowing when, why, and where to use graph data science is uncharted territory. Now is the time to learn about this new methodology. Give your team the... read more

New Security Capabilities in Neo4j Aura Enterprise Cloud Platform

Neo4j Aura is a fully managed cloud based platform which is built on a native graph engine enabling you to scale your performance as your business or technical needs change. Aura enables you to focus on building your applications without worrying about managing your database infrastructure.... read more

This Week in Neo4j: New GraphAcademy Course, Road to NODES Workshops, Link Prediction Pipelines, Graph Native Storage, and More

We just released the GraphAcademy course "Path Finding with Graph Data Science." This new course teaches you how to find the shortest paths between pairs of nodes and includes examples for both weighted and unweighted relationships. All the GraphAcademy courses give you practical knowledge with... read more

Connected Data for Compliance: The 5-Minute Interview With Miguel Aguado

“The data model is key to the success of graph technology. If you are able to create the model that reflects your reality, and at the same time fulfill your needs, you are going to be a success, and you are going to reach the results that you expected – or even beyond,” Miguel Aguado,... read more