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New Book: Full Stack GraphQL Applications (Download for Free!)

We published a new book! This technical deepdive about full stack GraphQL applications is hot off the presses, and we want to give you a sneak peek into its offerings. This first chapter teaser is going to whet your appetite for more expert insights into building data-intensive applications,... read more

NODES 2022 Speaker Highlights

Join us virtually on November 16 and 17 for NODES 2022 – the best place to learn everything about graph technology. Whether your interest is in graphs fueled by machine learning, graphs for knowledge search and retrieval, or graphs leveraged for AI-based product recommendation, this 24-hour... read more

A Power User’s Experience on Using Graph Databases to Drive Better Decision Making

“Bloom visualization makes it easy to drive discussion and help my clients understand the cheapest, fastest, or the greatest value path available to them and drive better decision making,” said Rob Orlando, Chief Operations Officer, Processus Group. I recently met with Rob... read more

Kateryna Nesvit

This Week in Neo4j: Cypher Queries, IKEA Knowledge Graph, Linkedln Course, and More

This week we're featuring a post by biomedical engineer Tom Nijhof, who explains how his performance issues were solved by using Cypher query parameters. This allows for the query plan to be cached and reused. An important step along the way was to batch the writes using Cypher’s Unwind feature... read more

A Machine Learning Innovation in Predictive Analytics

Some say you get better predictions with graph data science. The idea looks beautiful and indeed graphs are powerful tools. We would like to prove as hard as marble that connected data render predictions far more accurate. And measure how much more. Let's do it on the CORA dataset of... read more

Graphs for Business Transformation: The 5-Minute Interview With Trinette Brownhill

“I've been trying to find concrete evidence of why we need to bring in Neo4j... The team gives me a lot of the support I need in order to take the evidence to my clients,” says Trinette Brownhill, a Distinguished Engineer at IBM. This week, we look back on our chat with Trinette... read more