This Week in Neo4j: Announcing Graph Data Science 2.0 and AuraDS Releases!!!

Clair Sullivan

Data Science Advocate

featured community member
The big news this week for Neo4j was two major releases: Graph Data Science (GDS) 2.0 and AuraDS. GDS 2.0 brings a ton of new features, such as improvements to similarity algorithms, unified machine learning pipelines, and simplified graph projections using Cypher. Another big highlight in this release is a native Python client that allows you to establish a connection to your database and easily call GDS procedures without having to configure a driver or manage transaction functions. AuraDS is the new managed service for graph data science. Like AuraDB, it provides the ability to have a fully-hosted service to import, analyze, and visualize graph data. With AuraDS, data scientists can spend their time working with their data and won’t have to worry about managing infrastructure. Exciting times, to be sure! Read all about it in the blog!
Cheers, Clair Sullivan
Tomaž Bratanič is a data analyst and engineer who turns everything into a graph. He is a prolific writer of blogs related to data science and the author of Graph Algorithms for Data Science from Manning Publications. A long time contributor to the Neo4j community, he has shared his expertise about graphs since 2017. Kudos to Tomaž! Follow him on Twitter.
I demonstrate the new Python client for Graph Data Science 2.0 in this five-minute video using the latest Graph Data Science.
FREE TRAINING: Neo4j Data Scientist Courses
To celebrate the announcement of GDS 2.0 and AuraDS, we have added two new courses to #GraphAcademy in the Data Scientist learning path: Introduction to GDS and GDS Fundamentals.
INTERVIEW: Michael Simons on Neo4j OGM with Quarkus
Sebastian Daschner interviewed Michael Simons from Neo4j on all things Neo4j OGM with Quarkus. Michael recently published a Quarkus extension that everyone using Neo4j with Quarkus should check out. They chat about how the internals of Neo4j OGM and Quarkus work, best practices, history and comparison with Spring, and a look into the future.
ARTICLE: Building a Simple Recommendation Engine in Neo4j
Philipp Brunenberg describes how to implement a simple recommendation engine directly in Neo4j using only Cypher. The implementation is a handful of Cypher lines in a single query. He runs the query in real-time as the user interacts with the app, saving time and hassle on provisioning and maintenance.
BLOG: My Journey With Neo4j GraphQL
Daniel Starns gives you a 360 degree overview of Neo4j technologies and the impressions of a developer working at Neo4j on the GraphQL team.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: Soliman ElSaber
Don’t forget to retweet if you like it!
Neo4j Live: Discover Neo4j AuraDB Free with Michael and Alexander is on April 25. Neo4j Live: The FIFA Graph is on April 26. Neo4j Live: Neo4j AuraDB Office Hours is on April 25. Webinar: What’s New in Graph Data Science: Faster and Easier Than Before – North America is on April 26.