This Week in Neo4j – Graph Visualization 101 with GraphXR, Neo4j for Google Cloud, Introducing NEuler — The Graph Algorithms Playground

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

The big news in the Neo4j Community this week came from the Google Cloud Next 2019 conference. Neo4j formally announced a new strategic partnership with Google Cloud that delivers Neo4j as a fully managed service deeply integrated with the Google Cloud Platform. We in the DevRel team have been internal customers of the upcoming Neo4j product, and we’re looking forward to everyone else getting their hands on it.

Elsewhere, Irfan and I added support for similarity and path finding algorithms to NEuler – The Graph Algorithms Playground, Jennifer Reif publish an awesome tutorial showing how to use Neo4j on Docker, and Michael Hunger showed off virtual nodes and relationships in a new video.

Our featured community member this week is Sacha Faust, Product Security Lead at Lyft.

Sacha Faust - This Week’s Featured Community Member

Sacha Faust – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Sacha has been part of the Neo4j Community for several years, and has been pioneering the use of graphs in security. He shared his work in a talk titled Six Degrees of Infiltration: Using Graph to Understand your Infrastructure and Optimize Security Decision Making at BSidesSF 2018.

Sacha recently released cartography, a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database.

On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work Sacha!

Graph of Thrones – Graph Visualization 101 with GraphXR

In this week’s Neo4j Online Meetup, in preparation for Game of Thrones Season 8, Sony Green and Weidong Yang showed us how to analyse the data using GraphXR.

Using various visualisations Sony and Wei explored different parts of this virtual world, including relationships between characters and the death graph. They also show how to run graph algorithms over the graph to find the most important characters.

What’s Next for Graphs: Neo4j for Google Cloud

On Tuesday, at Google Cloud Next ’19, Neo4j formally announced a new strategic partnership with Google Cloud that delivers Neo4j as a fully managed service deeply integrated with the Google Cloud Platform.

Now every GCP user has access to graph superpowers – without having to worry about operations and management – enabling them to focus on what they care about most: building applications in the cloud.

Introducing NEuler — The Graph Algorithms Playground

This week we announced the release of Neo4j Euler (NEuler) – The Graph Algorithms Playground.

This is a Graph App built by Irfan Karaca and me to help make the Neo4j Graph Algorithms Library accessible to users who don’t want to learn Cypher.

We’ve got support for nearly all the centrality, community detection, path finding, and similarity algorithms, and will be adding support for the rest in the coming weeks. If you have the Neo4j Desktop installed and are using Windows or Mac, you can one click install with the link below:

Don’t forget to send me any thoughts and ideas to

New Docker Tutorial, Virtual Nodes and Rels, Taxonomy of Graph Use Cases

This Week in GRANDstack: New features in neo4j-graphql-java, GraphQL Foundation, 2nd Milestone of neo4j-graphql-java

Will Lyon has started writing a series of blog posts curating the activity in the GRANDstack community. This week we have the announcement Neo4j as a founding member of the GraphQL foundation, a new video course, and new features in the neo4j-graphql.js library.

Michael also announced the 2nd Milestone Release of neo4j-graphql-java, packed with a lot of newly implemented features. You can read more about that in the release notes.

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by Karin Wolok, our Community Manager Extraordinaire:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark