This Week in Neo4j – North Star

Andreas Kollegger

Senior Developer Advocate, Neo4j

Polaris is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor, commonly called the North Star. Well-known for centuries as a stable point in the sky, we could say that Polaris has high graph centrality, that countless observers from Ptolemy to Thomas the Tank Engine have affected humanity’s story. To know your North Star, measure enduring relationships. May all your central stars be shining bright! Enjoy this week’s edition of Twin4j. Andreas & Alexander
Paul Loke - This Week’s Featured Community Member

Paul Loke – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Paul believes that “Graph analytics continues to be an important tool in detecting both conflict of interest and fraud, promoting transparency across all industries and leading to better outcomes for society.” For his impressive work with graph data analytics, he was awarded a Neo4j Graphie Award 2021. Congratulations Paul!
Thanks a lot for all your great work.

Tree of Life

Tree of Life
The Tree of Life Web Project is a collection of information about biodiversity, compiled collaboratively by hundreds of expert and amateur contributors, with a goal to maintain information concerning every specie and its group of organisms on Earth, living or extinct. Lifelong learner Priya Jacob has brought the Tree of Life into Neo4j using APOC, ready for analysis with Cypher and exploration with Neo4j Bloom.

Meet Mako, for Making Microbiome Graphs

Mako Micobiome Graph Tool
Check out Mako, a new cool software tool from @Karoline_Faust and Lisa Röttjers that converts microbiome data and networks into a graph database and visualizes query results, allowing researchers to carry out network-based queries. Read more at Nature Methods (requires subscription).

3 Graph Ways to Improve Bloomberg Terminal

Company graph schema
Rebecca Rabb applies her technical expertise to explore three ideas for improving Bloomberg Terminal using Cypher and Graph Data Science to enrich the domain and derive deeper insights.

SSO With Neo4j and Gravitee

Gravitee API and Access Management
Tom Geudens has kicked off a multi-part blog series walking through the integration of Neo4j with Gravitee – an API management and access management solution – to provide a complete end-to-end SSO flow.

Understanding Cognitive Biases

Cognitive Bias as a Graph
A random tweet from Elon Musk triggered Rik Van Bruggen into creating a graph of cognitive biases, demonstrating yet again how our natural intuitions can be validated, occasionally disproven, and always enriched when organized as a graph.
Read the Article

Tweet of the Week

Our favorite tweet this week was by John Berryman:
Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too!