This Week in Neo4j: Viterbi Algorithm, Cypher Map Projection, Knowledge Graphs, and Full-Stack GraphQL

Yolande Poirier

Sr. Manager, Developer Community

Michal Štefaňák

We have a knack for finding the power of relationships! This week, we look at the transformative influence of knowledge graphs in medical research and crime investigations. Enjoy the article demonstrating the Viterbi algorithm in Neo4j and improve your analytical reasoning to Sherlock Holmes and beyond.

For fun and inspiration, I invite you to check Michael’s tweet on π day, where he visualizes the first 10k digits of π with a #neo4j graph.

Yolande Poirier

Michal wears many hats, having experience in web and mobile development, IoT, VR, and AR implementation. He is a prolific contributor on Neo4j GitHub projects. He contributed to the Bolt protocol PHP library, PHP MVC framework, and more. Big Kudos to Michal!
ARTICLE: Hidden Markov Model with Neo4j
The Hidden Markov Model is widely used in many areas, from language processing to bioinformatics, from physics to finance. Sixing Huang explains how Neo4j makes it easy for us to interactively inspect internal state values.
COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE:  Cypher Map Projection
Estelle Scifo explains Cypher map projection and how to customize the return fields for each query. Your Cypher result is a ready-to-use JSON object for GraphQL or Object-Graph mapping applications.
TRAINING SERIES: Full Stack GraphQL in the Cloud
William Lyon created a full-stack GraphQL application with Next.js, Neo4j, and Vercel. Using a knowledge graph of news articles, William built a GraphQL API with a front-end to fetch data, and added personalization and content recommendation.
KNOWLEDGE GRAPH: Improve Crime Investigations
Alex Law demonstrates in her blog how graphs empower digital investigations through visualization, starting with Neo4j’s pre-built sandbox and its underlying POLE (Person, Object, Location, Event) data model.
A KNOWLEDGE GRAPH: The Latest Medical Research Using Spark NLP
The biomedical domain is a prime example of finding connections and relationships between various entities like genes, drugs, diseases, and more. Tomaz Bratanic creates a biomedical knowledge graph by utilizing NLP techniques to extract relationships from biomedical articles.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: @foojayio
Don’t forget to retweet if you like it!

Currently, the Call for Papers for GraphConnect 2022 is open and we encourage all of you to submit.

You can still participate in our Neo4j Developer Survey. It only takes a few minutes.

Don’t miss the weekly video in the Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists series. Clair Sullivan presents a four-part series to help with your Kaggle competition graph. Her last video is about using KNN to identify similar items.