This Week in Neo4j – 16 December 2017

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week’s featured community member is Greg Walker, the creator of

Greg Walker - This Week’s Featured Community Member

Greg Walker – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Greg imported the whole Blockchain into Neo4j, creating a huge database that powers the learning website. The database is updated as new blocks are created and as of May 2017 had 1,587,199,550 nodes, 2,503,359,310 relationships, and a total size of 625 GB.

He’s presented his work at the London meetup, online meetup, and this week as part of the Neo4j webinar series.

You can find the code in Greg’s bitcoin-to-neo4j GitHub repository.

On behalf of the bitcoin and Neo4j communities, thanks for all your work Greg!

Beta Release: Java Driver with Async API for Neo4j

My colleague Konstantin Lutovich released version 1.5.0-beta03 of the Neo4j Java driver which is now built on an asynchronous, Netty-based infrastructure.

1.5.0-beta03 pre-release version of the Bolt Java driver

1.5.0-beta03 pre-release version of the Bolt Java driver

This version of the driver uses non-blocking I/O, which means it can now be used more effectively in environments where code should block as little as possible such as Akka actors or Spring Data reactive.

We’d love to get your feedback, so please give the new driver a try and let us know how well it works for your use case. You can either send an email to or create an issue on the neo4j-java-driver repository.

On the podcast: The BloodHound Team and Ray Bernard

There have been two recent interviews on Rik‘s Graphistania podcast.

A couple of weeks ago Rik spoke to Ray Bernard, the TWIN4j featured community from 28th October 2017. They discussed Suprfanz, a product Ray is building to drive traffic to events via social media, the Graph Karaoke Machine, and more.

BloodHound and SuprFanz

BloodHound and SuprFanz

Late last week Rik interviewed Andy Robbins and Rohan Vazarkar – creators of BloodHound, a security engineering tool that uses graph theory to reveal the hidden and often unintended relationships within an Active Directory environment. We featured BloodHound in TWIN4j in July and October so I was quite excited to listen to this one. They explain the origin story of BloodHound and go into more detail on some of its common use cases.

Poker Analytics, Cypher via gRPC, Bolt for asyncio

From The Knowledge Base

This week from the Neo4j Knowledge Base we have an article explaining how to deal with quotes when importing data into Neo4j. The article details common issues using LOAD CSV and neo4j-import.

You can learn more import tips and tricks in Nicole White‘s Using LOAD CSV in the Real World presentation.

Next Week

We’re closing in on Christmas but there are still a couple of events organised for next week.

Date Title Group Speaker

December 18th 2017

Des graphes pour mieux modéliser avec neo4j et linkurious

Graph Database – Toulouse

Nicolas Rouyer, Cédric Fauvet, Christian Guichou

December 19th 2017

Querying graph data by example from genomics – Part 2

Graph Database – NRW

Iryna Feuerstein

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by Jonny Flutey:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark