This Week in Neo4j – 18 March 2017

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

This week in Neo4j - 18 March 2017

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j.

If you’ve got any ideas for things we should cover in future editions, I’m @markhneedham on Twitter or send an email to

WordPress Recommendation Engine

Adam Cowley has been busy over the last couple of weeks building a Neo4j-based recommendation engine for WordPress.

This week in Neo4j - 18 March 2017

The WordPress graph

You can follow his work in a three-part blog series:

Social Network Analysis, Software Analytics and RDBMS-to-Graph

What’s happening on GitHub?

This week I decided to do some exploration of Neo4j projects on GitHub that haven’t necessarily surfaced on Twitter. I queried the Neo4j community graph to find the most recent Neo4j-based projects.

These were the most interesting ones I found:

Next Week

So what’s there to look forward to in the world of graphs next week?

Tweet of the Week

We’ll finish with my favourite tweet of the week by Tobias Zander. If you’re having fun playing with Neo4j, tweet with the #Neo4j hashtag and maybe you’ll feature in next week’s post.

Have a good weekend!