This Week in Neo4j – Knowledge Graph Search, Lil Jon, JIRA

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week we have a graph of Dave Chappelle’s Lil Jon Skit, Knowledge Graph Search, an interview with Konstantin Lutovich, and more!

This week’s featured community member is Eddy Wong, Technologist, Advisor, CTO, and Entrepreneur.

Eddy Wong - This Week’s Featured Community Member

Eddy Wong – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Eddy has been part of the Neo4j community since 2012 when he used Neo4j at Wanderu, a ground travel metasearch engine and fare aggregator that he co-founded. Eddy presented about his work there at GraphConnect NYC 2013.

Eddy is the organiser of the Graph Database Boston meetup and has been running events since 2013. He was also one of the early interviewees on the Graphistania podcast.

On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work Eddy!

From GraphConnect: Knowledge Graph Search with Elasticsearch

At GraphConnect NYC 2017 Luanne Misquitta and Alessandro Negro explained how to do graph search with Neo4j and Elasticsearch.

They talk about the rise of Knowledge Graphs in the last few years and how we can use them in our applications to serve better search results to users.

Lil Jon Graph, Hungarian Wines, Digital Humanities

On the podcast: Konstantin Lutovich

This week on the podcast Rik interviewed Konstantin Lutovich, long time Neo4j Kernel team member and current maintainer of the Java and JavaScript drivers.

Rik and Konstantin talk about the new Async API in the Java driver that Konstantin blogged about in early December as well as his experience working on different parts of the database.

Bill of Materials, Pentaho Integration, jQAssistant

Next Week

What’s happening next week in the world of graph databases?

Date Title Group Speaker

January 31st 2018

Querying graph data by example from genomics – Part 4

Graph Database – NRW

Iryna Feuerstein

February 1st 2018

Data Science in Practice: Importing and Visualizing Facebook Data Using Graphs!

Python & Neo4J Startup meetup Toronto

Ray Bernard

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by JavascriptMick:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark