Graphs4Good :  Where Graph Technology is Tackling Complex, Real-World Problems

In our world today, we seem to encounter crises and global struggles on a daily basis. But what if we could help others and improve life around us using the data and technology at our fingertips? Graph databases like Neo4j help us do exactly that. Read more →

Discover Neo4j AuraDB Free –  Week 24:  NYTimes Article Knowledge Graph

News is much more than just the articles you see on the front pages. A lot of the detail is hidden behind metadata that’s not immediately visible. Today we want to look behind the scenes, using the NYTimes API to access some of the article metadata. Read more →

Announcing the Release of the Neo4j GraphQL Library 3.0.0

Neo4j is excited to announce the release of the Neo4j GraphQL Library 3.0.0! Initially driven by the requirement to perform some major dependency upgrades, we have taken the opportunity to work through a backlog of breaking changes to improve the experience with the library, and to perform some much needed cleanup in key areas. Read more →

Let’s Write a Stored Procedure in Neo4j – Part I

Neo4j offers two main ways of querying a graph – through the Cypher query language and via a Java API. A solid model and well-designed Cypher query is sufficient in the majority of cases, but for those cases where we want the finest level of control, the Java API provides a powerful and intuitive interface. Read more →