Creating Super-Charged Neo4j Dashboards with NeoDash 2.1

As graph databases and graph data is getting more traction in the world the need for specialized graph powered visualization tools to provide feedback to end users is needed.A variety of tools are already available to visualize force-directed graphs but as… Read more →

Using Neo4j Graph Data Science in Python to Improve Machine Learning Models

A wave of graph-based approaches to data science and machine learning is rising. We live in an era where the exponential growth of graph technology is predicted [1]. The ability to analyze data points through the context of their relationships… Read more →

Exploring the European Natural Gas Network as a Knowledge Graph

In this blog post, we’ll use Neo4j to turn the European Gas Network into a knowledge graph to analyze the data.Photo by Rostislav Artov, UnsplashThe crisis between Ukraine and Russia caused relations between Russia and the E.U. to fall to the lowest… Read more →