User Segmentation Based on Node Roles in the Peer-to-Peer Payment Network

Knowing your users is vital to any business. When your users can interact with each other on a social media platform, content sharing platform, or even work-related platforms, you can construct a network between your users based on their interactions and extract graph-based features to segment your users. Of course, these same approaches can be applied to other platforms that are not user-centric. Read more →

Using Neo4j Graph Data Science in Python to Improve Machine Learning Models

A wave of graph-based approaches to data science and machine learning is rising. We live in an era where the exponential growth of graph technology is predicted [1]. The ability to analyze data points through the context of their relationships… Read more →

Exploring Fraud Detection With Neo4j & Graph Data Science  –  Summary

Fraud Detection is one of today's most challenging data science problems. Thankfully, Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) offers practical solutions that empower data scientists to make rapid progress in fraud detection analytics and machine learning. Read more →