Neo4j on Orchestration Tools

This guide explains how to run Neo4j on orchestration frameworks such as Mesosphere DC/OS and Kubernetes.
You should be familiar with the orchestration framework on which you want to deploy.

Orchestration systems are systems for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. You can follow the guides below to run Neo4j on some popular orchestration systems.

Mesosphere DC/OS

Mesosphere DC/OS is built around the long established Apache Mesos project. Mesos is used by companies such as Twitter, Apple, Netflix, or Airbnb to manage their production clusters.

You can read more in the release blog post or watch the presentation (below) that Johannes Unterstein gave at the Neo4j online meetup.


Kubernetes is an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications that builds on 15 years of experience of running production workloads at Google.

Neo4j core servers can be installed using the StatefulSet abstraction, which was introduced as a beta feature in v1.5.0. Read replicas can be installed using the deployment abstraction.

For users who wish to run Neo4j in kubernetes clusters, Neo4j provides a helm chart, which permits easy installation using standard kubectl and helm tools. These kubernetes tools and approaches all take advantage of the standard Neo4j docker container mentioned above, but add clustering and coordination capabilities.

For a walkthrough of how to use the helm chart to get started quickly, please consult our blog post.

You can also watch Dippy Aggarawal’s GraphConnect talk on orchestration systems.


You can ask questions and connect with other people launching Neo4j in the cloud through the cloud topic on the Community Site.