Knowledge Base

A method to calculate the size of an index in Neo4j.

If the need arises to calculate the size of an index in Neo4j, for capacity planning purposes, there are two methods available:

1) Execute the db.indexes() procedure:

CALL db.indexes() YIELD id, name, labelsOrTypes, properties;

From that output, you can obtain the id:

neo4j@customers> CALL db.indexes() YIELD id, name, labelsOrTypes, properties;
| id | name     | labelsOrTypes | properties |
| 1  | "kb_idx" | ["Movie"]     | ["idd"]    |

1 row available after 49 ms, consumed after another 5 ms

The id here is 1. By executing the procedure with no parameters, a fuller listing is returned, including the state:

call db.indexes();
| id | name     | state    | populationPercent | uniqueness  | type    | entityType | labelsOrTypes | properties | provider           |
| 1  | "kb_idx" | "ONLINE" | 100.0             | "NONUNIQUE" | "BTREE" | "NODE"     | ["Movie"]     | ["idd"]    | "native-btree-1.0" |

1 row available after 49 ms, consumed after another 2 ms

Now you have the id ,you can execute du -h in the $NEO4J_HOME/data/databases/customers/schema/index directory for the index directory.


total 0
0 drwxr-xr-x  3 stephenlevett  staff    96B  2 Jun 10:45 1

Note 1 matches the id above.


du -h 1/*
 96K	1/index-1

2) Or using the id, you can look in debug.log for the following section under the database name:

[customers/eb86f508]   schema:
[customers/eb86f508]     index:
[customers/eb86f508]       native-btree-1.0:
[customers/eb86f508]         1:
[customers/eb86f508]           index-1: 2021-06-02T11:09:20+01:00 - 96.00KiB
[customers/eb86f508]         - Total: 2021-06-02T10:45:09+01:00 - 96.00KiB
[customers/eb86f508]       - Total: 2021-06-02T10:45:08+01:00 - 96.00KiB
[customers/eb86f508]     - Total: 2021-06-02T10:45:08+01:00 - 96.00KiB
[customers/eb86f508]   - Total: 2021-06-02T10:45:08+01:00 - 96.00KiB