Knowledge Base

How do I produce a profile/explain through cypher-shell and pipeing query file

If you prepare a file with a Cypher statement that includes either a profile or explain clause and then want to pipe that file to bin/cypher-shell, to produce the profile/explain output you must include --format verbose on the command line.

For example, when your file, mycypher.cql, contains

profile match (n:Movies) return count(n);

if you run:

$ cat mycypher.cql | ./cypher-shell

the output will be

Statement: "READ_ONLY"
Version: "CYPHER 3.2"
Planner: "COST"
Runtime: "COMPILED"
Time: 42
DbHits: 0
Rows: 1

However, when running:

$ cat mycypher.cql | ./cypher-shell --format verbose

the output will now be:

| Plan      | Statement   | Version      | Planner | Runtime    | Time | DbHits | Rows |
| "PROFILE" | "READ_ONLY" | "CYPHER 3.2" | "COST"  | "COMPILED" | 0    | 0      | 1    |

| Operator                 | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Cache H/M | Time (ms) | Identifiers | Other                                 |
| +ProduceResults          |              1 |    1 |       0 |       0/0 |     0.019 | count(n)    | 19237                                 |
| |                        +----------------+------+---------+-----------+-----------+-------------+---------------------------------------+
| +NodeCountFromCountStore |              1 |    0 |       1 |       0/0 |     0.029 | count(n)    | 29320; count( (:Movies) ) AS count(n) |

| count(n) |
| 0        |