How to get a high level inventory of objects in your graph (part 2)
Following the knowledge base article on How to get a high level inventory of objects in your graph, this article will cover how to get more detailed high level inventory of objects in your graph.
The first article showed how by running:
match (n) return 'Number of Nodes: ' + count(n) as output UNION
match ()-[]->() return 'Number of Relationships: ' + count(*) as output UNION
CALL db.labels() YIELD label RETURN 'Number of Labels: ' + count(*) AS output UNION
CALL db.relationshipTypes() YIELD relationshipType RETURN 'Number of Relationships Types: ' + count(*) AS output UNION
CALL db.propertyKeys() YIELD propertyKey RETURN 'Number of Property Keys: ' + count(*) AS output UNION
CALL db.constraints() YIELD description RETURN 'Number of Constraints:' + count(*) AS output UNION
CALL db.indexes() YIELD description RETURN 'Number of Indexes: ' + count(*) AS output UNION
CALL dbms.procedures() YIELD name RETURN 'Number of Procedures: ' + count(*) AS output
You will get all the counts for nodes, relationships, labels, relationship types, property keys, constraints, indexes and procedures.
If you are running any version up to 3.2.x (inclusive) and want to drill down to see more detailed information on these objects, you can run the following command on your $NEO4J_HOME
$ java -cp "lib/*" org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.dbstructure.DbStructureTool /data/databases/graph.db > ./
Unlike the query mentioned in the other article, you cannot execute this on a running database. However, you can point it to a backup and you will get all the information. |
This will generate a file called
and its contents will give you:
1. Labels in the graph
visitor.visitLabel( 0, "Label" );
2.Property keys in the graph
visitor.visitPropertyKey( 0, "property" );
3. Relationship types in the graph
visitor.visitRelationshipType( 0, "REL" );
4. Indexes in the graph
visitor.visitIndex( IndexDescriptorFactory.forLabel( 0, 0 ), ":Label(property)", 1.0d, 1053000L );
5. Constraints in the graph
visitor.visitUniqueConstraint( ConstraintDescriptorFactory.uniqueForLabel( 0, 1 ), "CONSTRAINT ON ( label:Label ) ASSERT IS UNIQUE" );
6. Node count
6.1. Count of all nodes in the graph
visitor.visitAllNodesCount( 49625435L );
6.2. Count of all :Label
nodes in the graph
visitor.visitNodeCount( 0, "Label", 1053000L );
7. Relationship count You can find the total number of relationships and the numbers of all incoming/outgoing relationship permutations as follows:
7.1. Count of all relationships in the graph
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, -1, -1, "MATCH ()-[]->() RETURN count(*)", 910243L );
7.2. Count of all outgoing relationships from `:Label`
visitor.visitRelCount( 0, -1, -1, "MATCH (:Label)-[]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
7.3. Count of all incoming relationships to `:Label`
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, -1, 0, "MATCH ()-[]->(:Label) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
7.4. Count of all :REL
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 0, -1, "MATCH ()-[:REL]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
7.5. Count of outgoing :REL
relationships from `:Label`
visitor.visitRelCount( 0, 0, -1, "MATCH (:Label)-[:REL]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
7.6. Count of incoming :REL
relationships to `:Label`
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 0, 0, "MATCH ()-[:REL]->(:Label) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
On a graph composed by:
3 labels: User, Device, Accessory
3 property keys: uuid, name, state
3 relationships: OWNS, BELONGS, HAS
3 indexes: User(name), Device(uuid), Accessory(uuid)
1 constraint: user.uuid is unique
would have the following output:
package MyDatabaseStats;
import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.Visitable;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.dbstructure.DbStructureVisitor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.constaints.ConstraintDescriptorFactory;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.constaints.UniquenessConstraintDescriptor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.constaints.RelExistenceConstraintDescriptor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.constaints.NodeExistenceConstraintDescriptor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.constaints.NodeKeyConstraintDescriptor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.LabelSchemaDescriptor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.SchemaDescriptorFactory;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.index.IndexDescriptor;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.schema.index.IndexDescriptorFactory;
// This has been generated by:
// org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.dbstructure.DbStructureTool [<output source root>] <db-dir>
// (using org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.dbstructure.InvocationTracer)
public enum java
implements Visitable<DbStructureVisitor>
public void accept( DbStructureVisitor visitor )
visitor.visitLabel( 0, "User" );
visitor.visitLabel( 1, "Device" );
visitor.visitLabel( 2, "Accessory" );
visitor.visitPropertyKey( 0, "uuid" );
visitor.visitPropertyKey( 1, "name" );
visitor.visitPropertyKey( 2, "state" );
visitor.visitRelationshipType( 0, "OWNS" );
visitor.visitRelationshipType( 1, "BELONGS" );
visitor.visitRelationshipType( 2, "HAS" );
visitor.visitIndex( IndexDescriptorFactory.forLabel( 0, 0 ), ":User(name)", 1.0d, 1053000L );
visitor.visitIndex( IndexDescriptorFactory.forLabel( 1, 0 ), ":Device(uuid)", 1.0d, 2029998L );
visitor.visitIndex( IndexDescriptorFactory.forLabel( 2, 0 ), ":Accessory(uuid)", 0.8502996093642793d, 6011998L );
visitor.visitUniqueConstraint( ConstraintDescriptorFactory.uniqueForLabel( 15, 1 ), "CONSTRAINT ON ( user:User ) ASSERT user.uuid IS UNIQUE" );
visitor.visitAllNodesCount( 49625435L );
visitor.visitNodeCount( 0, "User", 1053000L );
visitor.visitNodeCount( 1, "Device", 2106000L );
visitor.visitNodeCount( 2, "Accessory", 6318000L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, -1, -1, "MATCH ()-[]->() RETURN count(*)", 910243L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 0, -1, -1, "MATCH (:User)-[]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, -1, 0, "MATCH ()-[]->(:User) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 1, -1, -1, "MATCH (:Device)-[]->() RETURN count(*)", 31800L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, -1, 1, "MATCH ()-[]->(:Device) RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 2, -1, -1, "MATCH (:Accessory)-[]->() RETURN count(*)", 42400L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, -1, 2, "MATCH ()-[]->(:Accessory) RETURN count(*)", 31800L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 0, -1, "MATCH ()-[:OWNS]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 0, 0, -1, "MATCH (:User)-[:OWNS]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 0, 0, "MATCH ()-[:OWNS]->(:User) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 1, 0, -1, "MATCH (:Device)-[:OWNS]->() RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 0, 1, "MATCH ()-[:OWNS]->(:Device) RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 2, 0, -1, "MATCH (:Accessory)-[:OWNS]->() RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 0, 2, "MATCH ()-[:OWNS]->(:Accessory) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 1, -1, "MATCH ()-[:BELONGS]->() RETURN count(*)", 31800L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 0, 1, -1, "MATCH (:User)-[:BELONGS]->() RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 1, 0, "MATCH ()-[:BELONGS]->(:User) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 1, 1, -1, "MATCH (:Device)-[:BELONGS]->() RETURN count(*)", 31800L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 1, 1, "MATCH ()-[:BELONGS]->(:Device) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 2, 1, -1, "MATCH (:Accessory)-[:BELONGS]->() RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 1, 2, "MATCH ()-[:BELONGS]->(:Accessory) RETURN count(*)", 31800L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 2, -1, "MATCH ()-[:HAS]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 0, 2, -1, "MATCH (:User)-[:HAS]->() RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 2, 0, "MATCH ()-[:HAS]->(:User) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 1, 2, -1, "MATCH (:Device)-[:HAS]->() RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 2, 1, "MATCH ()-[:HAS]->(:Device) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
visitor.visitRelCount( 2, 2, -1, "MATCH (:Accessory)-[:HAS]->() RETURN count(*)", 10600L );
visitor.visitRelCount( -1, 2, 2, "MATCH ()-[:HAS]->(:Accessory) RETURN count(*)", 0L );
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