Knowledge Base

Articles tagged as storage

Can I use NFS as my filesystem or datastore storage?

The short answer is no. Although this may seem harmless, the reason for this is not performance related, but rather for control over locking files. NFS and other filesystems that…

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Capacity Planning Example

Here is a back of the napkin example of capacity planning for a Neo4j workload for the following list of requirements: Requirements Analysis 1) Estimating an initial database size of…

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Diagnose storage performance issues

Slow storage can affect Neo4j performance, therefore we recommend using Solid State Drives in the product documentation. Benchmark your underlying system On Ubuntu or RedHat, you can use fio tool…

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How deletes work in Neo4j

Neo4j uses logical deletes to delete from the database to achieve maximum performance and scalability. To understand how this might appear to an operator of the database, lets take a…

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Planning Data Center Migration

The following KB describes the process that you can use utilizing backup (or Read-Replicas) in order to migrate (and/or upgrade) from one datacenter(DC1) to another(DC2) in a rolling fashion with…

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