Redirect relationships

The APOC library contains procedures that can be used to redirect relationships to target nodes.

Procedures for redirecting relationships

Qualified Name Type

apoc.refactor.from(rel RELATIONSHIP, newNode NODE, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - redirects the given RELATIONSHIP to the given start NODE.

Procedure RELATIONSHIP, endNode NODE, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - redirects the given RELATIONSHIP to the given end NODE.



The below examples will further explain this procedure.

Redirect Target Node

The following creates Foo and Bar nodes that are connected by a FOOBAR relationship, as well as a solitary Antony node:
CREATE (f:Foo {value: "Foo"})-[rel:FOOBAR {a:1}]->(b:Bar {value: "Bar"})
CREATE (p:Person {name:'Antony'})
The following will change the target node of the FOOBAR relationship from the Bar node to the Antony node:
MATCH (f:Foo)-[rel:FOOBAR {a:1}]->(b:Bar)
MATCH (p:Person {name:'Antony'})
CALL, p, { failOnErrors = true })
YIELD input, output
RETURN input, output

If the above query is run, it will result in the following graph:

Redirect Source Node

The following creates Foo2 and Bar2 nodes that are connected by a FOOBAR2 relationship, as well as a solitary David node:
CREATE (f:Foo2 {value: "Foo2"})-[rel:FOOBAR2 {a:1}]->(b:Bar2 {value: "Bar2"})
CREATE (p:Person {name:'David'})
The following will change the source node of the FOOBAR2 relationship from the Foo node to the David node:
MATCH (f:Foo2)-[rel:FOOBAR2 {a:1}]->(b:Bar2)
MATCH (p:Person {name:'David'})
CALL apoc.refactor.from(rel, p, { failOnErrors = true })
YIELD input, output
RETURN input, output

If the above query is run, it will result in the following graph:
