apoc.create.addLabels(nodes ANY, labels LIST<STRING>) - adds the given labels to the given NODE values.
apoc.create.clonePathToVirtual(path PATH) - takes the given PATH and returns a virtual representation of it.
apoc.create.clonePathsToVirtual(paths LIST<PATH>) - takes the given LIST<PATH> and returns a virtual representation of them.
apoc.create.node(labels LIST<STRING>, props MAP<STRING, ANY>) - creates a NODE with the given dynamic labels.
apoc.create.nodes(labels LIST<STRING>, props LIST<MAP<STRING, ANY>>) - creates NODE values with the given dynamic labels.
apoc.create.relationship(from NODE, relType STRING, props MAP<STRING, ANY>, to NODE) - creates a RELATIONSHIP with the given dynamic relationship type.
apoc.create.removeLabels(nodes ANY, labels LIST<STRING>) - removes the given labels from the given NODE values.
apoc.create.removeProperties(nodes ANY, keys LIST<STRING>) - removes the given properties from the given NODE values.
apoc.create.removeRelProperties(rels ANY, keys LIST<STRING>) - removes the given properties from the given RELATIONSHIP values.
apoc.create.setLabels(nodes ANY, labels LIST<STRING>) - sets the given labels to the given NODE values.
Non-matching labels are removed from the nodes.
apoc.create.setProperties(nodes ANY, keys LIST<STRING>, values LIST<ANY>) - sets the given properties to the given NODE values.
apoc.create.setProperty(nodes ANY, key STRING, value ANY) - sets the given property to the given NODE values.
apoc.create.setRelProperties(rels ANY, keys LIST<STRING>, values LIST<ANY>) - sets the given properties on the RELATIONSHIP values.
apoc.create.setRelProperty(rels ANY, key STRING, value ANY) - sets the given property on the RELATIONSHIP values.
apoc.create.uuids(count INTEGER) - returns a stream of UUIDs.
apoc.create.virtualPath(labelsN LIST<STRING>,n MAP<STRING, ANY>, relType STRING, props MAP<STRING, ANY>, labelsM LIST<STRING>, m MAP<STRING, ANY>) - returns a virtual PATH .
apoc.create.vNode(labels LIST<STRING>, props MAP<STRING, ANY>) - returns a virtual NODE .
apoc.create.vNodes(labels LIST<STRING>, props LIST<MAP<STRING, ANY>>) - returns virtual NODE values.
apoc.create.vRelationship(from NODE, relType STRING, props MAP<STRING, ANY>, to NODE) - returns a virtual RELATIONSHIP .
apoc.create.uuid() - creates a UUID
apoc.create.uuidBase64() - returns a UUID encoded with base64.
apoc.create.uuidBase64ToHex(base64Uuid STRING) - takes the given base64 encoded UUID and returns it as a hexadecimal STRING .
apoc.create.uuidHexToBase64(uuid STRING) - takes the given UUID represented as a hexadecimal STRING and returns it encoded with base64.
apoc.create.virtual.fromNode(node NODE, propertyNames LIST<STRING>) - returns a virtual node from the given existing node.