apoc.export.arrow.all(file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the full database database as an arrow file.
apoc.export.arrow.graph(file STRING, graph ANY, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given graph as an arrow file.
apoc.export.arrow.query(file STRING, query STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the results from the given Cypher query as an arrow file.
apoc.export.arrow.stream.all(config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the full database as an arrow byte array.
apoc.export.arrow.stream.graph(graph ANY, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given graph as an arrow byte array.
apoc.export.arrow.stream.query(query STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given Cypher query as an arrow byte array.
apoc.export.csv.all(file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the full database to the provided CSV file.
apoc.export.csv.data(nodes LIST<NODE>, rels LIST<RELATIONSHIP>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given NODE and RELATIONSHIP values to the provided CSV file.
apoc.export.csv.graph(graph MAP<STRING, ANY>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given graph to the provided CSV file.
apoc.export.csv.query(query STRING, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the results from running the given Cypher query to the provided CSV file.
apoc.export.cypher.all(file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the full database (incl. indexes) as Cypher statements to the provided file (default: Cypher Shell).
apoc.export.cypher.data(nodes LIST<NODE>, rels LIST<RELATIONSHIP>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given NODE and RELATIONSHIP values (incl. indexes) as Cypher statements to the provided file (default: Cypher Shell).
apoc.export.cypher.graph(graph MAP<STRING, ANY>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given graph (incl. indexes) as Cypher statements to the provided file (default: Cypher Shell).
apoc.export.cypher.query(statement STRING, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the NODE and RELATIONSHIP values from the given Cypher query (incl. indexes) as Cypher statements to the provided file (default: Cypher Shell).
apoc.export.cypher.schema(file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports all schema indexes and constraints to Cypher statements.
apoc.export.graphml.all(file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the full database to the provided GraphML file.
apoc.export.graphml.data(nodes LIST<NODE>, rels LIST<RELATIONSHIP>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given NODE and RELATIONSHIP values to the provided GraphML file.
apoc.export.graphml.graph(graph MAP<STRING, ANY>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given graph to the provided GraphML file.
apoc.export.graphml.query(statement STRING, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given NODE and RELATIONSHIP values from the Cypher statement to the provided GraphML file.
apoc.export.json.all(file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the full database to the provided JSON file.
apoc.export.json.data(nodes LIST<NODE>, rels LIST<RELATIONSHIP>, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given NODE and RELATIONSHIP values to the provided JSON file.
apoc.export.json.graph(graph MAP<STRING, ANY>, file STRING , config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the given graph to the provided JSON file.
apoc.export.json.query(statement STRING, file STRING, config MAP<STRING, ANY>) - exports the results from the Cypher statement to the provided JSON file.