This procedure is not considered safe to run from multiple threads. It is therefore not supported by the parallel runtime. For more information, see the Cypher Manual → Parallel runtime. |
Syntax |
Description |
Returns the indexes and constraints information for all the relationship types in the database. It is possible to define a set of relationship types to include or exclude in the config parameters. |
Input arguments |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Return arguments |
Name |
Type |
Description |
A generated name for the index or constraint. |
The type of the index or constraint. |
The property keys associated with the constraint or index. |
The status of the constraint or index. |
The relationship type associated with the constraint or index. |
Config parameters
Name | Type | Default | Description |
[] |
Relationship types to include. Default is to include all relationship types. |
[] |
Relationship types to exclude. Default is to include all relationship types. |
It’s not possible to valuate both relationships
and excludeRelationships
In this case, the error Parameters relationships and excludeRelationships are both valued.
will be returned.
Usage Examples
The type
result can have one of the following values:
name | Schema type |
Relationship property existence constraints |
Full-text index |
"TEXT" |
Text index |
Range index |
Point index |
Lookup index |
Given the following schema:
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX fullIdx FOR ()-[n:MOVIE|BOOK]-() ON EACH [n.title, n.description];
CREATE POINT INDEX pointIdx FOR ()-[n:PLACE]-() ON (n.address);
CREATE TEXT INDEX textIdx FOR ()-[n:GAME]-() ON (n.title);
CREATE RANGE INDEX rangeIdx FOR ()-[n:FOO_BAR]-() ON (n.name);
It is possible to execute the following query:
CALL apoc.schema.relationships()
name | type | properties | status | relationshipType |
":PLACE(address)" |
["address"] |
":GAME(title)" |
"TEXT" |
["title"] |
"GAME" |
":[BOOK, MOVIE],(title,description)" |
["title", "description"] |
["BOOK", "MOVIE"] |
":FOO_BAR(name)" |
["name"] |
Given the following schema:
FOR ()-[like:LIKED]-()
It is possible to execute the following query:
CALL apoc.schema.relationships()
name | type | properties | status | relationshipType |
"CONSTRAINT ON ()-[liked:LIKED]-() ASSERT liked.day IS NOT NULL" |
["day"] |
"" |
["BOOK", "MOVIE"] |