Getting started with dashboards

Set up a working example of Neo4j Aura dashboards.


You need:

  1. A Neo4j Aura account

  2. A Neo4j Aura database instance

See Create an account and Create an instance for details.

Add a sample data set

Import the Northwind dataset to your instance:

  • In Aura, click Learn at the top right.

  • In the Beginner page, click the Learn the basics guide.

  • When prompted to Connect to instance, select the instance where you would like to import sample data.

  • In step 4 of 11 of the guide, click Get the Northwind dataset.

  • In the Import page, click Run import.

The examples on this page refer to dataset.

Create a dashboard

Create a new dashboard:

  1. In the Dashboards page, click Create dashboard at the top right.

  2. In the New dashboard dialog, assign a title and an optional description to your dashboard and click Create.

  3. Click the dashboard tile.

  4. Your dashboard has a single page.

  5. Click Add card to create cards which represent visualizations.

Add a card with a line chart

Create a line chart which displays the number of products for each order ID.

In the dashboard page tab:

  1. Click Add card at the bottom right of the page.

  2. Optionally change the title of the card by clicking and editing, then confirm.

  3. In the new card, click the three dots icon at the top right, then select Line chart as the Chart type.

  4. Click Edit to edit the Cypher query of the card.

  5. Paste the following Cypher query to the input field:

    MATCH (o:Order)-[:ORDERS]->(p:Product)
    RETURN o.orderID AS OrderID, count(p) as Products
  6. Click Save.

Your line chart should look like this:

products per order id
Figure 1. Example line chart

Add a card with a bar chart

Create a bar chart which displays the number of orders per customer.

In the dashboard page tab:

  1. Click Add card at the bottom right of the page.

  2. Optionally change the title of the card by clicking and editing, then confirm.

  3. In the new card, click the three dots icon at the top right, then select Bar chart as the Chart type.

  4. Click Edit to edit the Cypher query of the card.

  5. Paste the following Cypher query to the input field:

    MATCH (c:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(o:Order)
    RETURN c.contactName AS Customer, count(o) AS Orders
    ORDER BY Orders DESC
  6. Click Save.

Your bar chart should look like this:

orders per customer
Figure 2. Example bar chart

Next steps

See Working with dashboards for more dashboard options.

See Visualizations to learn about the different charts and visualizations of Neo4j Aura dashboards.