
Neo4j dashboard graphs render returned nodes, relationships and paths. Configure the graph layout and nodes, relationships, labels and colors to your liking.

You can drag and drop nodes in the displayed graph.


Basic table

Cypher query for a graph which displays products which are part of the "produce" category
MATCH path = (p:Product)-[:PART_OF]->(c:Category)
WHERE c.categoryName = "Produce"
visualization graph
Figure 1. A graph displaying the products which are part of the "produce" category



Neo4j dashboard graphs have three layout options:

  1. Force-based layout, which spreads nodes evenly.

  2. D3 force layout, which features interactive node positioning.

  3. Hierarchical layout, which respects the direction of relationships. Sekect one of: Left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top.


Style your graph:

  1. Select node and relationship colors

  2. Assign a width to relationship arrows

  3. Assign node circle sizes

  4. Select node and relationship labels from existing data fields

Use the Styling drop down to select the scope of your styling options:

  1. Neo4j Console: this styling is used in your entire console.

  2. Dashboard: this styling is limited to the current dashboard.

  3. Card: this styling is only applied to the current card and graph visualization.