
Neo4j Aura dashboard tables can render all data returned by a Cypher query as a result table. This includes simple data like numbers or text, but also Neo4j-native data like nodes, relationships, and paths.

When you hover over a table cell, a copy icon appears towards the end of the cell. Click it to copy the content of the table cell to the clipboard.


Basic table

A Cypher query for a table which displays the number of products per category:

MATCH (p:Product)-[:PART_OF]->(c:Category)
RETURN c.categoryName AS Category, count(p) AS Products LIMIT 20
visualization table basic
Figure 1. A table displaying the number of products per category

Table with nodes and collections

MATCH (p:Product)-[:PART_OF]->(c:Category)
RETURN c as CategoryNode, collect(p) AS Products LIMIT 20
visualization table nodes and collections
Figure 2. A table displaying the category nodes and collections of products


Coming soon.

Advanced settings

Coming soon.

Select a value from a row

Coming soon.

Select multiple from a row

Coming soon.